When words won’t wait.

No matter the form or function, the writing you need to do presents challenges that take time to solve. There’s data to collect and analyze; publication guidelines to follow; mission statements to craft. All important, all vital…all due tomorrow.

I assist entrepreneurial, business, and nonprofit clients in getting their writing homework done, efficiently and on time. Leverage my technical, creative, and grant writing experience to craft your SEO-driven web content; fund-seeking application; professional journal article; news release; or white paper.

A word about our evolving languages: I strive to employ a direct, active, and inclusive approach to all types of communication. When crafting any piece, I consider the human reader as being any number of possibilities humans can be. I strive to write compassionately and without bias. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for reading, Lisa Danhi, MA

Grant Writing

As a grant writer, I research funding opportunities that align with an organization’s mission and current needs; synthesize relevant statistics and narratives; coordinate contributors’ data for an optimal grant submission; and create post-grant deliverables as needed. Let’s develop partnerships with funders; explore co-creative possibilities; submit concise and powerful grant applications; and earn high ROI for joint efforts.

Writing Services

As a content developer, composition instructor, and discourse analyst, I assist organizations and businesses craft narratives and  strategies to convey their mission to clients and prospects. Let’s refresh and develop new website content; update messaging; align tone and vocabulary with inclusive language standards; and reorganize for focus and flow.

Copy Editing

As a technical and creative writer, I hone drafts at all stages for accuracy, readability, and fitness for their purpose. Let’s correct and corral wayward sentences; finetune a piece for publishing; ensure submissions comply with requirements; and craft personalized strategies to improve engagement with future writing projects.


As a professional tutor, I address the content and the creator together. Let’s move past ABD paralysis; wow  that college application personal essay; wrap up that troublesome term paper; and develop a skill set of writing strategies to address the assignment at hand and prepare for the one in your next chapter.

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